A NEW World Out There

April 2020 we begin our 12th season of being Out There. It is really CRAZY to think that time has flown by. This Spring Season has been the most crazy with the COVID-19 situation. Although it has created some more quiet days in the shop, ended the competition season soon for most of the Team Out There athletes, it has been good for a number of things.

REST– One much needed thing that after a long season of race service and/or competition is always great.

REFLECTION – Each Spring we in the shop try to sit down and look back at the last year, see how things are in the shop, service, etc. and see what went well and where there in room for improvement. Also it is a time when we like to chat with the athletes we work with and see their direction for the upcoming season and look to see who maybe retiring from competition and who is interested in working with us in the FUTURE.

SALES– This is often a time where we are motivated to move CLOSEOUTS and are hustling to move the balance of last season’s product, discontinued items, etc. With the current COVID situation we have cut back on this to allow folks to deal with many NEW things happening in their own lives. If folks are looking though we can still help them out.

Moving forward:

At the current time we are still offering shipping of orders as well as curbside pick up. We are working also on ski selection for the upcoming season with Madshus & Fischer for both Jr & Adult skiers. This is something we ultimately would like to have notification for by April 30th 2020.

Shop Hours– We are always available via email

We are normally in the shop currently Mon- Fri from around 9am until 3 or 4pm. If you do not reach us ALWAYS feel free to leave us a message and we will get back with you.

Where do we ALL go from here?

We are working hard to continue to bring you High Level Service, NEW and exciting products and NEW Training Opportunities and much more.

Thank You for everyone’s continued support and we look forward to seeing all of YOU Out There Soon!