Birkie Fever

As I begin this email with under a week to go to the American Birkie Week Events the air is getting quite warm Out There. The Heat from the Birkie Fever is rising like the temps, As we look to the next week with warm temps & liquid moisture we would like to add some reflection on the Birkie & it’s events.

This is not the first run in for the Birkie with warm weather- over the 18 yrs I have been back we have had years with less snow and great races as well as a year with great snow and a race that wasn’t. Think about “WHY” you do the Birkie. There are a few folks on this email list that can say that they do it to have an opportunity to WIN the race. I will tell you that is only a hand full. The rest of us participate in the events of the American Birkie as a challenge to our self, to get Out There and prove that we can conquer a given distance on the snow. Unlike many other sports, Nordic Skiing is a very ever changing one. Weather, terrain, wax, fitness, and much more play apart in how the event or day on the trail can go. We have found though the Biggest component is Mental. As you prep for the next week and what Mother Nature will throw at us, take a deep breath, plan to enjoy what events unfold with friends, enjoy nature just “Be Out There”

We look forward to seeing you this next week. The shop will have coffee everyday from Bell Lap Coffee of Minnesota.

Other treats as well as AMAZING Fruit from our Friends at FRUITSHARE

Great deals of everything in the shop, conversation, Worldcup & Biathlon on the Tele and we plan to follow it up on Saturday Night in Rice Lake with some Post Birkie Fun at the White Stag!

So remember for this Birkie no matter how Hot Mother Natures FEVER gets, Get Out There, enjoy.


Local Trails

Looking to find reports on the Great local trails we have near Rice Lake?

Free Ride to the Birkie

Once again the Rice Lake Tourism Board is offering a FREE Birkie Shuttle Service for folks stayin in Rice Lake Hotels for the event.  For more info on the Service for the 2017 American Birkie contact Nicki at 715-234-8888 or



Hope to see YOU Out There Soon!