Never Too Late…..

Never Too Late to Start Offseason Training


The most common thing heard about the past ski season was “I did not get to ski or did very little”.   Who did more winter running or hiking to compensate for lack of snow time?  Who has maintained their fitness from the snow season of 2022-2023?  It is never too late to start offseason training to help you against another potential low snow year or to start gaining back ski fitness.

For most recreational athletes, you have moved on to other modes of exercise or areas of dedication for the summer months of the year.  It is great to give the mind and body a break from the same movements.

Traditional Offseason Training plans start in May and carry through to late February or March.  One great thing about offseason training is that we utilize running, hiking, biking, roller skiing, paddling and strength training.  Some may be more ski focused and some are for general fitness and cardio training.  We may have target events during the offseason via other modes of movement.  We can always prepare for those non ski events and still keep ski specific training in the plan.

Now that you have a good break from skiing, it is time to start incorporating ski training back into your weekly plans.  Start back in small increments, and gradually add more ski specific plans as we progress into fall. Start by adding ski specific body weight strength or dynamic ski movements.  Utilize paddling to work on your core.  Use a pole hike as an active recovery. It can be very hard on your body to make the jump from marathon running season or mountain bike racing to hopping on for distance roller skis at the end of September as the weather and pavement may be turning colder.

Using multiple modes of movement for exercise helps us work more muscle groups and reduce overuse injuries.  The mental aspect of using multiple movements for exercise can keep workouts fun and exciting.  It could also expand your workout buddies or support for your long hauls. Grab your plans and start incorporating ski specific workouts today as it is never too late to start your offseason training.  


Kris Hanson

Out There Nordic