NNF Drive for 25 & Alpina ESK Test Drive

ESK pro

A Total of $935 was raised for NNF!

Now Thru Nov 15th.

So not sure if you have test driven this “Sports Car” of Skate boots yet or Donated to the National Nordic Foundation. Well if not we have a DEMO fleet of the Alpina Ski Boots ESK Skate boot at the shop. You can get out on them before the snow ~ Roller ski Test Drive! (Don’t roller ski come in anyway) Mention the ESK Test Drive and we will donate $10 for each Test Drive to the NNF Drive for 25. If addition to our current NNF Drive. So Get Out There! Help Support Tomorrow’s Athletes TODAY!

Help Support Nordic~

Our Fundraising Site: https://support.nationalnordicfoundation.org/fundraise?fcid=353761

This is where it begins. The passion, the love, the culture of American skiing that’s grown over the last half decade is because of a big push, an effort together. We’re no longer a collection of disparate skiers trying to succeed in the skiing world, rather a unified community exploring what is possible. We believe in American Nordic skiing. You believe in American Nordic skiing. Help to support tomorrow’s American nordic stars today.

  • What: American cross country skiers, fans, and enthusiasts supporting our nation’s developing skiers.
  • When: Now through November 12th
  • Why: We have improved from a nation that seldom put a skier in the top 15 on the World Cup to a Nation with World Champions and a World Cup Champion. Yet as a nation our developing athletes struggle to afford the racing opportunities required to compete among the best.
  • How: There are two ways.
    • 1) Become a Drive for 25 Ambassador. Click the “Become a Fundraiser” button and get 10 friends to donate $25 by November 12th
    • 2) Click the “Donate” button and donate $25 by November 12th.
  • Who: You.  The NNF is stepping up. The NNF is possible because of you.