Upcoming Wax Clinics

Well Folks the Nordic Season is rapidly approaching, so with that it is time to get those skis prep’d!

Our First Wax clinic will be held on Nov. 1st this year starting with TOKO, Nov 8th START & Nov 15th SWIX

Many of you have attended our clinics in the past and enjoyed the food & information. We are putting a little twist on the clinics for 2013. www.outthereshop.com/category/events

Each Clinic will have 8 reserved spots for people to bring their own skis and be assisted by the wax tech with HANDS ON prep, application and finishing of Base Prep & Training Wax application. There is a Fee of $20. Those 8 will get in addition to the wax application and assistance, Some Nice SWAG, Dinner & Drinks! If you are interested in being one of the eight for any of the 3 clinics please pay & reserve your spot soon! When the spots are gone they are gone. https://outtherenordic.wpengine.com/products/wax-clinic/

Not up for the HANDS ON portion of the clinic but still want to gain waxing knowledge? Have specific waxing questions?

Then join us for the Open Forum portion of the clinic. We will have some drinks lite Hors’doeuvres for this portion and it is free of charge. We still love RSVP so if you are planning on attending the Open Forum Portion please call us at 800-252-9583 or email us at info@outthereshop.com  If you are emailing please specify the clinic you plan to attend.