Birkie 16′ One FUN Time Out There!

Wow, once again the Nordic Season flies by and we are already nearing March! This years 43rd American Birkie shaped up to be a good one. With warm weather coming in it made for exciting times waxing. Before going any further I must extend a HUGE Thanks to my wife ~ Kris. She once again does amazing things from working in the shop, behind the scenes and waxing. Along with assisting young athletes at the Jr. Birkie and the morning of the Birkie prior to setting off for her race. THANK YOU! A couple others to mention, my dad (Burnell), Jasmine Wiley and many others for your help that week.

This year I took a NEW perspective on the event as I completed my 15th running of the American Birkie. I dropped back from my wave with my friend Collin to ski with a friend of ours Shannon. Shannon was skiing his 1st Classic Birkie from wave 5. Starting in a later wave was much more laid back and amazingly fun. For the first time in years I was able to ski with folks and have a conversation, stop at the 39k Club for a Shot Ski & doughnut hole, assist racers who were having trouble with wax and just have an great day enjoying nature, skiers and the trail. I challenge those folks who are fortunate enough ski in the front on trails that are in great shape to find a friend or a new skier to join on a journey from Cable to Hayward sometime and see a NEW view of the event and the trail. You may be pleasantly surprised!


See You Out There SOON!