Their Future’s are Still OUT THERE

There are some days you wake up and…. UFF Da! It is hard to get out of bed. Then you get up you have some coffee, a little Brunost on Toast and then you start to realize that it is going to be an AMAZING day Out There.

As we embark on our 8th Winter Season we realize that thus far it has been one great adventure. If you said to us 10yrs ago- ” You one day are going to own a Nordic Shop” we would have said”You better get back to Colorado before you get arrested!”  Then once we got this thing rolling if you would have said that 5yrs from now “You are going to work with a collection of some of the Greatest People in the Sport” we would have replied “Maybe you need someone to drive you home”

Are we the Biggest Nordic Shop- No

Do we do things the way the rest of the flock does – No

Are we trying to change the landscape of Nordic & your retail experience –

You Just have to get Out There & SEE


Supporting us through purchases, participating in our events and other things goes to help support the

Athletes Of TEAM OUT THERE & Their Dreams!





